With the last little bit of summer I'm making the most of it and painting the rest of the back of the house. We dug out the patio slabs a few weeks ago as we had drainage issues with the outside ground level higher than the inside and water was entering the house. Here you can see the tide line where the patio slabs have been removed. The new ground level is about 7 inches lower than it was previously. This has left us with a grubby black lines running across the wall. Although the wall does need rendering for now it it's getting a fresh coat of paint to brighten it up whilst we continue working on the inside of the house. ![Removing patio slabs Removing patio slabs](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/601829_10151643536424666_1427644906_n.jpg)
![Removing patio slabs Removing patio slabs](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/601829_10151643536424666_1427644906_n.jpg)
With the outbuilding now painted and the back of the garage also painted it certainly looks much better out there. Hopefully this will last over the winter until next year when the inside of the house is finished and we can start landscaping and improving the outside. Just need new doors, new windows and a new roof and the garage will be up to the same standard as the inside!
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