Friday, 17 October 2014

Look our bedroom is nearly finished!!!! Some amazing before and after pictures.

I'm too excited even as I type that our bedroom is very, very nearly finished! I know I've been saying that for weeks but we really are very close now, so close in fact that we have actually made up the bed ready to move in!

We have three drawer handles to fit on to the dressing table, as well as the main door furniture to fit on the bedroom door. We need to buy a dressing table stool which is proving incredible tricky to find one to fit in with the rest of our bedroom and lastly we need to choose some vinyl to cover the dressing table and then we are finished! 100% finished and ready to move in, although I think we will move in this weekend regardless of whether we have chosen the vinyl and the dressing table stool as several hours have been spent both in stores and online looking for the perfect products and we can't find any that jump out and complete the room, so we would prefer to wait until we find the perfect products and move in anyway.

Here's how the room is looking right now. I'd love to know your thoughts....

Grey Curtains Grey Curtains

Plaster boarded walls

Decorated cornish bedroomDecorated cornish bedroom

plaster boarded door frame

Bedroom MirrorRenovating our bedroom

Finished decorated bedroom
Hard to believe the room looked like this just 10 months ago! 
Bedroom renovationBedroom renovation

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