Thursday, 4 April 2013

Painting the fireplaces

Now that we are getting some coats of paint on the walls it's really the first time i'm actually seeing the house as a home and the dream becoming a reality. Even though my partner has always worked in property in one way or another he had a vision of how the house would eventually look when we went to view it and immediately saw it's potential. He could visualize the house and saw how the house could be modernized. 

I on the other hand have only ever lived in the family home and a variety of rented accommodation and neither of my parents were into DIY and never really did anything other than the odd refreshing coat of paint every few years. So up until now I've been doing the renovation pretty blind, I have no experience in anything related to building houses and my imagination to what we would achieve pretty flaky. I've never seen the work that goes into renovating a house, i've never seen sheets of plaster board, or rolls of insulation the whole concept is new to me. To me up until now it just seamed like we were facing more and more problems and removing more and more each week and just turning a house that was although a bit old fashioned into a complete mess. 

Finally now the months of making a mess were starting to come together and resemble a home. 
Painting a fireplace
Ok so maybe a beautiful home is a little optimistic at the moment as it does look more like a building site than  a home and pretty impossible to believe that we are also living here whilst doing the build, But it does slowly feel like it's coming together now.
Painting the fireplace surround
It's really hard to believe what was here previously and how amazing these two fireplaces look now. I loved the granite second fireplace but realizing it wasn't original it definitely made sense to remove it, and now looking at the two fireplaces in line with each other i'm definitely glad James was right to remove the granite surround.
First coat of paint on the new plaster

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